Golfer’s Elbow: A Common Cause of Elbow Pain

March 1st, 2023
physical therapy fallschurchva

Overuse injuries frequently occur at major joints and can significantly limit a person’s ability to engage in recreational or leisure activities. One example of these types of injuries is “Golfer’s Elbow.” Also known as medial epicondylitis, this injury causes pain on the inner aspect of the elbow, often as the result of repetitive movements involving the elbow and wrist. 

Medial Epicondylitis 

The elbow joint is made up of the joining of the humerus, ulna, and radius. On the inner aspect of the humerus is a bony protrusion called the medial epicondyle. Muscles responsible for flexion and pronation of the wrist attach at this bony structure. Repeated motions of the wrist and elbow that engage these muscles can cause irritation of the medial epicondyle. This is attributed to tiny tears that form in the tendinous portion of the muscle where it joins to the bone which results in pain and inflammation. It can take several weeks for the symptoms to develop and can cause aching pain in the elbow, pain with grasping objects, and pain with general motion of the elbow and wrist. 

Treatment for Medial Epicondylitis 

Initially, it is important to limit further irritation of the involved tissues by modifying or taking time off from activities that cause a worsening of symptoms. Ice can be used to reduce pain and inflammation during the acute phase. Physical therapy can also provide significant relief for this condition. A physical therapist will be able to identify the muscles involved and prescribe specific stretching and strengthening exercises to promote proper healing of the muscles. Manual therapy techniques are often implemented to reduce pain and ensure adequate mobility of the elbow and wrist. Maintaining the appropriate amount of exercise without further damage to the musculotendinous structures is key to a smooth recovery process to allow for the fastest return to sport. If unaddressed, this condition can continue to worsen over time and result in greater physical limitations. 

If you suffer from elbow pain, physical therapy can provide significant relief and ensure a safe return to activity. Call Respire Physical Therapy at 703-671-1871 or click here to schedule an evaluation with a Physical Therapist today and get back to your favorite sport or activity without pain!

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